These are the most frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Yes all of them.
The price varies according to the classes you sign up for. At our reception we will inform you without obligation about the prices.
Simply by going to our reception and speaking with a member of our team.
In cash or by direct debit, at the beginning of each month.
Yes. At Speak English we adapt to your needs, as far as possible. At reception we will help you make any changes.
Yes. You can, by attending another class in another group at the same level.
Yes. You can get it at reception.
Yes. We offer a 10% family discount. In addition, you can take advantage of various offers that we are announcing during the course. You will see them on this website or on our Facebook page.
Of course. We prepare our students for all official exams, such as Cambridge, Trinity, TOEFL and IELTS (B1, B2, C1, etc).
Yes, for both children and adults. The little ones have a wide variety of totally free activities, aimed at practicing what they have studied in class and getting used to dealing with everyday situations as if they lived in the United Kingdom. These activities include: crafts, theater, storytelling, board games, movies, tutorials for school doubts, etc. Adults can attend the Conversation Club once a week, totally free; in addition to enjoying other events such as talks, debates, pubquizs, beer tastings and much more.